> Curating data
Categorization as a necessity
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(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes.
C:\Users\Lasse>cd C:\Users\Lasse\OneDrive - Aarhus Universitet\Curating Data
C:\Users\Lasse\OneDrive - Aarhus Universitet\Curating Data>tree /F
Folder PATH listing
Volume serial number is C062-6817
│ %
│ ├───Assignment 1
│ │ │ Assignment 1 extras.docx
│ │ │ Assignment 1.docx
│ │ │ Assignment 1.pdf
│ │ │ Dataset.xlsx
│ │ │ Feedback on assignment 1.docx
│ │ │ Feedback on assignment 1.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ └───Images
│ │ │ 20200921_145344.jpg
│ │ │ 20200921_180146.jpg
│ │ │ 20200922_074857.jpg
│ │ │ 20200922_112802.jpg
│ │ │ 20200922_135128.jpg
│ │ │ 20200922_172324.jpg
│ │ │ 20200922_214807.jpg
│ │ │ 20200923_075232.jpg
│ │ │ 20200923_115431.jpg
│ │ │ 20200923_115919.jpg
│ │ │ 20200923_134538.jpg
│ │ │ 20200923_182957.jpg
│ │ │ 20200923_224309.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_084955.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_092054.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_105702.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_105703.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_113051.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_113927.jpg
│ │ │ 20200924_144752.jpg
│ │ │
│ │ └───Beskåret
│ │ 20200921_145344.jpg
│ │ 20200921_180146.jpg
│ │ 20200922_074857.jpg
│ │ 20200922_112802.jpg
│ │ 20200922_135128.jpg
│ │ 20200922_172324.jpg
│ │ 20200922_214807.jpg
│ │ 20200923_075232.jpg
│ │ 20200923_115431.jpg
│ │ 20200923_115919.jpg
│ │ 20200923_134538.jpg
│ │ 20200923_182957.jpg
│ │ 20200923_224309.jpg
│ │ 20200924_084955.jpg
│ │ 20200924_092054.jpg
│ │ 20200924_105702.jpg
│ │ 20200924_105703.jpg
│ │ 20200924_113051.jpg
│ │ 20200924_113927.jpg
│ │ 20200924_144752.jpg
│ │
│ ├───Assignment 2
│ │ │ Assignment 2 extras.docx
│ │ │ Assignment 2.docx
│ │ │ Assignment 2.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ └───mydata_1601324806353
│ │ │ index.html
│ │ │
│ │ ├───html
│ │ │ account.html
│ │ │ account_history.html
│ │ │ bitmoji.html
│ │ │ bitmoji_kit_user.html
│ │ │ cameos_metadata.html
│ │ │ chat_history.html
│ │ │ community_lenses.html
│ │ │ connected_apps.html
│ │ │ email_campaign_history.html
│ │ │ faq.html
│ │ │ friends.html
│ │ │ in_app_reports.html
│ │ │ in_app_surveys.html
│ │ │ location_history.html
│ │ │ memories_history.html
│ │ │ purchase_history.html
│ │ │ ranking.html
│ │ │ search_history.html
│ │ │ shared_story.html
│ │ │ shop_history.html
│ │ │ snap_ads.html
│ │ │ snap_games_and_minis.html
│ │ │ snap_history.html
│ │ │ story_history.html
│ │ │ subscriptions.html
│ │ │ support_note.html
│ │ │ talk_history.html
│ │ │ terms_history.html
│ │ │ user_profile.html
│ │ │
│ │ └───json
│ │ account.json
│ │ account_history.json
│ │ bitmoji.json
│ │ bitmoji_kit_user.json
│ │ cameos_metadata.json
│ │ chat_history.json
│ │ community_lenses.json
│ │ connected_apps.json
│ │ email_campaign_history.json
│ │ friends.json
│ │ in_app_reports.json
│ │ in_app_surveys.json
│ │ location_history.json
│ │ memories_history.json
│ │ purchase_history.json
│ │ ranking.json
│ │ search_history.json
│ │ shared_story.json
│ │ shop_history.json
│ │ snap_ads.json
│ │ snap_games_and_minis.json
│ │ snap_history.json
│ │ story_history.json
│ │ subscriptions.json
│ │ support_note.json
│ │ talk_history.json
│ │ terms_history.json
│ │ user_profile.json
│ │
│ └───Assignment 4
│ │ Curatorial statement.docx
│ │ Notes.docx
│ │
│ ├───Assignment 1
│ │ │ Billede1.png
│ │ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 105539.png
│ │ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 115120.png
│ │ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 115200.png
│ │ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 161848.png
│ │ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-04 132124.png
│ │ │
│ │ └───Kamera
│ │ download (1).png
│ │ download (2).png
│ │ download (3).png
│ │ download (4).png
│ │ download (5).png
│ │ download.png
│ │
│ ├───Assignment 2
│ │ Assignment 2.1.jpg
│ │ Assignment 2.jpg
│ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 110105.png
│ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 115756.png
│ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-03 115938.png
│ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-04 132234.png
│ │ snapchat.png
│ │
│ ├───Assignment 3
│ │ Group 4 - Assignment 3.jpg
│ │ Group 4 - Assignment 3.pdf
│ │ openrefine.png
│ │ Shadowgruppen.csv
│ │ Zotero collection (1) (1).csv
│ │ Zotero collection (1).csv
│ │ Zotero collection.csv
│ │ zotero.png
│ │
│ ├───Assignment 4
│ │ asd.png
│ │ asd.svg
│ │ list-Kopi-2-csv (1) - Kopi.csv
│ │ list-Kopi-2-csv (1).csv
│ │ list-Kopi-2-csv.csv
│ │ list-Kopi-3-csv.csv
│ │ list-Kopi-csv.csv
│ │ Skærmbillede 2020-11-04 125126.png
│ │
│ └───Hotglue backup
│ assignment1.pdf
│ assignment2.pdf
│ assignment3.pdf
│ assignment4.pdf
│ my creative space.pdf
│ Exam.docx
├───Uge 36 - 1
│ Haraway, Donna J. 1988. Situated Knowledges The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial.pdf
│ Hui, Yuk - On the existence of digital objects-University of Minnesota Press (2017).pdf
│ Kitchin, Rob. 2014. Conceptualising Data. In The Data Revolution Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures.pdf
│ Magda Tyzlik-Carver - A genealogy of posthuman curating.pdf
│ Slides 1_intro.pdf
├───Uge 37 - 3
│ part-0001.calibre-data
├───Uge 38 - 5
│ 2_digitAll.pdf
│ Cukier & Mayer, The Rise of Big Data.pdf
│ Meijas & Couldry Internet Policy Review - Datafication - 2019-12-09.pdf
│ thylstrup nanna bonde, The Politics of Mass Digitization.pdf
├───Uge 38 - 6
│ An Introduction to Image Datasets _ u n t h i n k i n g . p h o t o g r a p h y.pdf
├───Uge 39 - 7
│ 3_exhibitions.pdf
│ 7 Artists, 25 Pages Each, 1 Half-Century Later_ Revisiting the Xerox Book.pdf
│ Curating by Numbers_ Landmark Exhibitions Issue – Tate Papers _ Tate.pdf
│ Les_Immateriaux_29-66_Lyotard_After_six_month_.pdf
├───Uge 39 - 8
│ 3_1Dataset.pdf
│ RearrangingTheWorld_KWeinstock.pdf
├───Uge 40 - 10
│ Michel Foucault_ Biopolitics and Biopower.pdf
├───Uge 40 - 9
│ 15 + 58 + 13 = 86.txt
│ Acker, Amelia, and Adam Kreisberg. 2020. “Social Media Data Archives in an API-Driven World.”.pdf
│ CuratingData_guest - HackMD.pdf
│ John Cheney-Lippold - We Are Data_ Algorithms And The Making Of Our Digital Selves-New York University Press (2017).pdf
│ Magda in Executing Practices (2018).pdf
│ Sociale medier.txt
├───Uge 41 - 11
│ Curating Online Exhibitions _ Rhizome.pdf
│ New Materialism_ Interviews & Cartographies.pdf
├───Uge 41 - 12
│ Anna-Sophie Springer_Reverse Hallucinations in the archipelago.pdf
├───Uge 43 - 13
│ Adrian Mackenzie - Machine Learners_ Archaeology of a Data Practice-The MIT Press (2017).pdf
│ An Introduction to Image Datasets _ u n t h i n k i n g . p h o t o g r a p h y – genvej.lnk
│ How do machines learn_ What can we learn from studying artificial intelligence and data processing_ - HackMD.pdf
│ Mohamed2020_Article_DecolonialAIDecolonialTheoryAs (1).pdf
├───Uge 43 - 14
│ │ PAD.docx
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ ├───tm-my-audio-model
│ │ js.txt
│ │ metadata.json
│ │ model.json
│ │ p5.txt
│ │ weights.bin
│ │
│ └───tm-my-image-model
│ js.txt
│ link.txt
│ metadata.json
│ model.json
│ p5.txt
│ weights.bin
├───Uge 44 - 15
│ 8_Choice_taxonomies(1).pdf
│ Crawford, K., & Paglen, T. (2019). Excavating AI – genvej.lnk
│ Foucault M. - The Order of Things_ An Archaeology of the Human Sciences-Routledge (2002).pdf
│ The_Arborescent_Mind_The_Intelligence_of.pdf
├───Uge 44 - 16
│ Haraway, Donna J. 1988. Situated Knowledges The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial – genvej.lnk
├───Uge 45 - 17
│ 9_Archive.pdf
│ Joasia Krysa, Jussi Parikka - Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History_ Erkki Kurenniemi in 2048-The MIT Press (2015).pdf
│ Sluis, Katrina. 2017. “Accumulate, Aggregate, Destroy. Database Fever and the Archival Web.” In Lost and Living (in) Archives.pdf
├───Uge 47 - 21
│ Assignment 4 - Anders.docx
│ Assignment 4 - Jeppe.pdf
│ Assignment 4 - Johanne.docx
│ Assignment 4 - Lasse.pdf
│ Feedback.docx
├───Uge 47 - 22
│ Curatorial Statement Johanne.pdf
│ Feedback – genvej.lnk
└───Uge 48 - 23
Spørgsmål til Magda.docx
Image 4.1: Circular dendogram of the folder, sub-folder and files of my "Curating Data" folder
"[...] the brain itself is much more a grass than a tree"
Pasquinelli (2018)
Image 4.2: Wordcloud of assignment 4